目前分類:music in you and me (40)

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If you think the world owes you a ride,
you'll never find the reason why.
Boy you know it's down to you

Looking down, you'll only see your own two feet
Mumma used to say to me
take a walk down Angel Street.

So sweet thing
Have I got news for you!
Come and taste my soul food
So what have you got to lose?

Angel Street, stand on you own two feet
Cos baby can't you see?
If we're to stay alive only the strong survive.

Don't you know, if you can't respect yourself
You'll be left on the shelf.
No-one's gonna carry you.

Walkin' tall, dreaming of love and pride.
Reaching up to the sky.
Arms and eyes are open wide

So come on, let's climb the stairs out of this.
Make a wish steal a kiss.
Boy what have you got to lose?

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詞 陳珊妮 曲 李雨寰  

快別說 我不夠火熱 立刻 我將為你們融化
先嘗一口給你們的甜蜜 Yeah

隨時可樂 (Ha) 你夢幻的氣泡
抱著我 (Ha) 這般幸福清爽

如此親密 讓你連一分鐘都無需思考
我就是屬於你的口味 掀起今年最唯美的新浪潮

如此親密 讓我連一分鐘都懶的逃
你們是屬於我的口味 掀起今年最唯美的新浪潮


艷陽高照 孤獨的人 忍不住煩躁
只有我倆 愛昏頭的 Yeah Yeah Yeah


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Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know you're out there
There's got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can't seem to find
Somebody to love

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詞 林夕 曲 雷頌德 

You never give it up
You never know
Come On Now

有些時候 妥協是一種藝術
有些時候 只是太快就滿足
很多時候以為 這是成熟 讓美夢提早結束
我們沒有甚麼 才會追求甚麼
命運不算甚麼  終究得到甚麼 越不可能越快樂

你想愛誰就愛誰 想的多美就多美
沒有愛不到的誰 沒有流不完的淚
你可能忽然體會 不可能的滋味 

You never give it up
Come On Now
You never give it up

你想 愛誰就愛誰 想的多美就多美
感動的流下眼淚 請做好準備
沒有愛不到的誰 沒有流不完的淚
你可能忽然體會 不可能的滋味

Come On Now
You never give it up

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Some light reading, the last pages, clearer now in certain places. But you're hovering, half empty, and I'm leaving, but you've left me. Please just listen to reason, these aren't chapters, they're seasons. I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend, you've closed the book on your end. If you pick up, pull out, does it have to be now? I tear out those last few pages, less time; more places. I've read all the way to the bitter end to the end. You outlast your friends. If you pick up, pull out, does it have to be now?

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  如果說蘋果建立iPod是音樂硬體史上的致命一擊,那麼Hed Kandi絕對是近代將電子音樂發揮得淋漓盡致的商業廠牌。99年在英國建立的Hed Kandi廠牌,幾年間橫掃大英帝國電子流行(商業)音樂市場,並迅速在世界舞曲界竄紅。Hed Kandi以不同系列的專輯做出成功的市場區隔;如懷舊復古的《Back to Love》、傳達夏日甜美靈魂皓室的《Beach House》、發揮夜晚魅力的《Disco Heaven》、甚至是幾乎每季更新的皓室選輯《A Taste of Kandi》系列等等,都可以在電子音樂愛好者的電腦、iPod或是CD櫃上看見它們的蹤跡。而Chill或是Lounge類別的音樂也絕對是他們的市場目標之一。


  Beach House 2009:(official short promo show on youtube)




  Disco Heaven 2009:(official short promo show on youtube)




  在性別思潮瘋狂的現代文化,也許會有人認為Hed Kandi大量採用女性性感形象或泳裝圖畫是在「物化女性」,但我相信更多聽眾都覺得,這其實是透過電子節拍的律動而推崇女性的美,畢竟人都喜歡美好的事物,不是嗎?



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Late Night Alumni 2009新作豋場!想念Becky嗓音的輕柔飄忽...

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2000年李雨寰發行個人電音專輯,賣得並不好。如今九年過去了,泰國的舞廳文化仍舊,而中國上海開始有國際性夜店,日本流行樂界的天后找電音DJ合作。台灣的電音發展是否還只侷限於台北市精華地段? 我們還會記得九年前周杰倫或是蔡依林當時哪些歌紅嗎?而九年前的這首butterfly,現在聽來一點都不過時。很可惜台灣市場不是電音的主流消費者,停滯不前的抒情CD曲目順序、汰換過快的詞曲與萬教歸一的R&B唱腔,如此快速卻不經典的東西會不會也有走到極限的一天呢?


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_電影[夜奔]主題曲 / 詞姚謙 曲鮑比達

只要給一苗火光 眼前就變成港灣

誰藏匿欲言又止的渴望 夜的手指 輕輕一碰就渲染

我那沉默的心慌 曾有個人來解放

沒料到愛過了一生不忘 後來感嘆 交會的夜太匆忙

你還欠我一個深深的擁抱 解釋的眼光 所以我不停回頭盼望

只是在每個思念的夜晚 哀傷編成網 夜從此又黑又漫長

你還欠我一個深深的擁抱 解釋的眼光 所以我不停回頭盼望

當我一個人面對著夜晚 寂靜的哀傷 我該如何 將它隱藏

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Thugs and badmen
punks and lifers
locked up interns
pigs and snitches

Rest your weary heads, all is well

You won't be strip-searched, torn up tonight
you won't be cut up, bleeding tonight
you won't be strung out, cold, shaking to your bones
wishing you were anywhere else but right here
So dream on

Thieves and muggers
tricks and hustlers
cheats and traitors
scum and low-lives

Rest your weary heads, all is well

You won't be sad or broken tonight
you won't be squealed on, ripped off tonight
you won't be back-stabbed, double cross, face down
teeth knocked out, lying in a gutter somewhere
So dream on

So dream on

Freaks and junkies
fakes and phonies
drunks and cowards
manic preachers

Rest your weary heads, all is well

You won't be pushed or messed with tonight
you won't be lied to, ruffed up tonight
You won't be insane, paranoid, obsessed
aimlessly wandering through the dark night
So dream on

So dream on

You won't be insane, paranoid, obsessed
aimlessly wandering through the dark night

So dream on

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Tavares recorded the Bee Gees track "More Than a Woman," and their version reached the Pop Top 40 that year. The soundtrack became one of the most successful in history, giving Tavares their only Grammy.(1977)



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/林秋離 /熊美玲

有些時候竟然沒有心情 聽完一首抒情歌
是不是感情的隔夜飯 愛放的太多
平凡人間儘是多情種子 這樣不是很可怕
你若想換口味 就會被批評是負心的人哪

早晨的枕頭邊 總留下昨夜的心酸淚
每一封離別的信 都有心碎了的血腥味
太依賴感覺 就難免後悔

只能夠一個人躲起來 偷偷的自己醉
朋友都說 我的感情就像 彈在碗裡的煙灰

而我有點像 是忘了關掉的路燈一樣
太陽早已出來了 我還傻傻的亮

我不是故意要這樣 只是我無法避開
身在慌忙人群中 心靈撞來撞去後的創傷
我不是願意要這樣 當愛被放在我手中
怎麼能知道 這一次又會不會再受傷

而我有點像 是忘了關掉的路燈一樣
太陽早已出來了 我還傻傻的亮

我不是故意要這樣 只是我無法避開
身在慌忙人群中 心靈撞來撞去後的創傷
我不是願意要這樣 當愛被放在我手中
怎麼能知道 這一次又會不會再受傷

有些時候竟然沒有心情 聽完一首抒情歌
是不是感情的隔夜飯 愛放的太多
朋友都說 我的感情就像 彈在碗裡的煙灰

而我有點像是 忘了關掉的路燈一樣
太陽早已出來了 我還傻傻的亮 我還傻傻的亮




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Another day has come and gone
And I've been holding in...
Not holding on

Feeling out of place, I
I'm wanting to escape, I
I pack my bags with nothing left to say

It's when I think I've figured out
The figures simply turning
Inside out

Burn before it catches, I
I rummage through the ashes, I
I turn the page with nothing left to say.


最近蠻愛這首歌的,雖然Late Night Alumni我本來就很愛了;大概是這首歌也透露出一點虛無的意涵吧!

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Cause in this world

Nothing esle matters to me anymore...

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Funky House比較被歸類為「加入黑人音樂元素的House」,但這麼說又稍嫌狹隘;自House發展開始,人們就傾心為之注入活潑熱力的Vocal,藉由耳朵的享受勾勒出舞場的熱情歡愉。像這樣一直"Time"、"Time"、"Time"的叫,聆聽的雙耳都加速血液循環了,要熱愛House的舞客怎能受得了XD

去年年底,原本就穩固的Trance勢力大舉侵襲2008全球百大DJ榜,不再是Progressive流派的鼎盛時期。隨著藥物濫用與追求舞客歡愉最大值,台灣的過氣派對也許廣告行銷滿分,但說到音樂品味可能還差得老遠。原有的House基底是否能與Progressive一同力挽狂瀾?也許不少電子饕客還期待著Hed Kandi或OM這些商業大廠,在以"Miami"或"Ibiza"起名的夏日House專輯,能有出人意表的突破。

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Word's can mean, or mislead


laying the heart on the line.


For that second, you believe


A life without him, you'll survive.


I try


I mislead but I can never dream


Cause dreaming brings me back to you.


I try to think of what the future holds.


Because my past belongs to you.


Lovely as a summer breeze, taking away memories.


Just hoping for a miracle embracing my life without you.


I try


I mislead but I can never dream (I'll never dream)

我迷失了,但我再也不做白日夢 (我願不再做夢)

Cause dreaming brings me back to you. (It brings me back)

因為夢會把我再帶回你身邊 (帶我回到過去)

I try to think of what the future holds (I'll never dream)
我試想未來能期待的 (我願不再做夢)

Because my past belongs to you (It brings me back)

因為過去已經被你搶走 (帶我回到過去)

I'll never dream.




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"If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right"

這首歌另有Late Night Alumni的版本

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